My intuitive gifts come in the form of physical sensations that help me feel both the energy of the body as well as the energy of the cards.  One of the things I love about the Tarot is it represents archetypes that exist in all of us, as well as experiences we all go through. Vulnerability is difficult but necessary for real growth. The reading room is a safe space where you have the option to reveal as much or as little about your question as you feel comfortable with. Either way, the cards will show me the archetypal energy that is manifesting in your life so that we can uncover the best path forward. Just seeing your energy and situation reflected back to you in the cards can be incredibly validating and give you the encouragement to go make changes, knowing that you have the energetic wind at your back.

I love to educate as I read and offer workshops to help you develop your self-practice. The objectivity and expertise of a professional reader are important for those critical life junctures, but Tarot is a tool that can be used as a daily mindfulness practice and for guidance on everything from spiritual matters to the most mundane decisions. The Tarot is a language that works on multiple levels of complexity. Even if you have no experience of the Tarot the cards that come out will meet you on your level of understanding. The more education and experience a reader has, the more material there is to work with to get the most accurate and insightful readings.

Tarot Readings

30-minute Readings $30.00 

60-minute Readings $60.00

About Arielle...

Hi, I'm Arielle. I'm a Tarot reader and Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki practitioner. I have completed advanced Tarot training through The Readers Studio and am certified in Reiki through The Reiki School of Lambertville. I have found tarot reading and Reiki to be incredible tools for assessing a client’s needs, supporting healing, and providing guidance. I love helping people get reconnected to themselves and the world around them. 

My approach to Tarot and Oracle readings is equal parts self reflection and divination. You are the expert on you, and I'm your partner in figuring out what the obstacles are, as well as the possibilities. Your intuition is constantly sending you information. A tarot reading is a time of focused intention where we can dial in and get clarity on those messages. 

To get to know me and my work better, please follow me on Facebook @Red Thread Weaver Reiki-Tarot and Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube @RedThreadWeaver

A reading can also help uncover energy imbalances that relate to our life circumstances. For example, difficulty grounding our energy can show up in our lives as anxiety and difficulty with change. If you've felt stuck because you know what to do, but it feels impossible to do it, that tells me we need to address this block on an energetic level first. Reiki is a universal energy that supports, heals, and clears your energy body of blocks to living in harmony with the energy surrounding you. A multifaceted approach is the key to sustainable transformation. A reading is not a spoiler for an immutable future, but an opportunity to align yourself with your purest manifestation.

A few disclaimers. I am not a medium, clairaudient, or clairvoyant. If those are services you are looking for I'd be happy to refer you to someone with those gifts. On the other hand, most people seek out a reading when they are grappling with sensitive issues and would like guidance without feeling overexposed. I respect and honor all religious and metaphysical beliefs. My own framework is ever-evolving, but if there is specific language or types of imagery that you find triggering please let me know in advance. You also have the option to approach the reading from a self-reflective and non-divinatory perspective. All readings concerning other people must include the energy of the client. Services are not intended as a substitute for medical care or legal advice and the client is responsible for engaging their own intuition and judgement in all decisions related to the reading.

Readings by Arielle 

Contact Arielle to schedule your session! she can be reached by:

Phone 661- 809-2198
