What is Integrated Energy Therapy?

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Integrated Energy Therapy, developed at the Center of Being, by Stevan J. Thayer, is the next level to heal with the energy of the healing angels.  IET uses divine angelic energy to support your self-healing.   IET supports you by safely and gently releasing limiting energetic patterns of your past, empowering and balancing your life in the present, stepping you into the future with clarity of purpose.

What can you expect from receiving IET sessions?

You may experience all or some of the following:-

  • Painless identification and release of deeply suppressed feelings/thought patterns   
  • Clearing of energetic blocks that limit one's health, life purpose, prosperity and creativity.   
  • Empowerment to experience fulfilling loving relationships in all areas of your life.
  •  Help one to discover and live their true purpose in life. 
  •  Provide gentle yet powerful support for survivors of childhood traumas such as physical and sexual abuse, alcoholic and dysfunctional families.
  • Support of self-healing at all levels, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.
  • improve the connection to your angels allowing them to work with you on a regular basis in your life

Integrated Energy Therapy is complementary with traditional medical practices and to other healing arts and can be used alone or in combination with other holistic or traditional approaches to accelerate your self-healing journey.  However, IET is not a replacement for traditional medical approaches.

Please note that while IET can be very effective, however no medical claims are made as to the effect or outcome of this treatment approach. Each person is encouraged to be responsible in the use and choice of professional healing assistance as needed.

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