1. What is Holy Fire Reiki?
Holy Fire is the flame of divine love that our spirit and life force are made of, the spark of God that exists in everything. The energy and vibration of the Holy Fire Reiki master symbol come directly from Source, “where all there is, is love,” the place of pure consciousness, beyond duality, form, and individuation. It is beyond masculine and feminine, it is pure love, which is at the core of all of creation. When we invite the symbols of Holy Fire Reiki, we are directly connected to the source and guidance of pure divine love. Unconditional love.
2. Why Holy Fire Reiki Now?
Holy Fire Reiki is among many versions of this new energy frequency coming to the Earth right now in answer to our collective prayers. Humanity is asking to reach new levels of consciousness and free will. Holy Fire Reiki is responding to humanity to assist in uniting us. In particular it is coming to people through Reiki because Reiki belongs to all beliefs and is easy to learn and practice. The very high vibrational energies of Holy Fire are ready to become available to the masses.
3. Holy Fire Reiki Sounds Religious, is it?
Holy Fire is not intended to have a religious meaning. The word holy has its root meaning to be whole and complete and this is how it is used in Holy Fire. In my experience, Holy Fire is the energy of the “Source of All Existence.” Whatever a person calls that source is fine. It can be the original Big Bang, Pure Consciousness, God, Mother/Father God, Source, etc. There is no religion, politics or dogma or required belief system in Holy Fire Reiki. It is a healing method to help us be whole.
4. Holy Fire Reiki Terminology?
The terminology of Holy Fire Reiki sounds as if it has a Christian background: Holy Spirit, The Three Heavens, Divine Revelation, Holy Love, etc. At first, most struggle with this because of their own resistance to the names. As we worked with Holy Fire, we were shown that this beautiful healing energy belongs to us all. It was never meant to be in the domain of a specific religion, politics, or to have dogma attached to it. The names do reflect their nature and combining them with Reiki will give them the ability to work easily with anyone who wants to work with them.
Holy Fire Reiki is inclusive of all people, without judgment. And because these vibrations are combined with Usui Reiki, they are accessible to everyone regardless of religion, spirituality, or political ideals. The energy heals simply because a person invites it. It is not required that it is believed in, in any particular way. It is here to help us heal, using Divine guidance and power to heal our spirit, mind and our body.
The ignitions to Holy Fire Reiki provide the same simplicity as all Reiki. As Mrs. Takata taught, “Reiki on, Reiki off.” It is that simple. Anyone can learn it and use it successfully to heal themselves and others. It makes sense that Holy Fire would present itself as a Reiki healing method at this time in history. It is probably the first time in history that it is possible to move the energy out of religion and politics to become available to everyone.
5. Many People Are Describing Similar Vibrations as Holy Fire Coming To Them, Are They The Same?
Many practitioners of other healing modalities are speaking about Source energy coming to them that is beyond form and duality. They are experiencing love at the core of existence by a variety of names. In my experience, just like Reiki, each vibration is its own, Holy Fire Reiki is a specific energy accessed by the Holy Fire Reiki master symbol.
6. Can I use my other healing modalities with Holy Fire Reiki?
It is recommended that a person work with Holy Fire Reiki initially to get to know it. This is recommended as in these early stages Holy Fire needs the ability to teach us about it without the other influences of all our other modalities. This is a recommendation, not a requirement.
7. What about the Reiki I use now, do I have to switch to Holy Fire Reiki to practice and teach?
Holy Fire Reiki is an amazing energy. You will know if you are guided to receive your ignitions to it. Many people will be guided to stay with the Reiki they currently work with. In the case of the International Center for Reiki Training Usui/Tibetan Reiki lineage, the teaching manuals will still be available and the system will be completely honored. As in all Reiki, there is no competition between Holy Fire and the other Reiki lineages. Each person is guided to the right teacher and energy at the right time. Holy Fire Reiki completely honors our free will and all lineages. (But you are going to love it if you do receive it! )
8. Is Usui Reiki Part of Holy Fire Reiki?
Yes, all four of the Usui Reiki Symbols are still included as a part of the Holy Fire Reiki healing techniques. I believe that Holy Fire Reiki chose Usui Reiki as its pathway to humanity because Usui Reiki is a simple method of healing that anyone can learn and do. Holy Fire is another vibration that is responding to the collective prayers of people all over the world for a world with higher consciousness. Combining Holy Fire with Usui Reiki gives more people easy access to the Holy Fire's healing energies. Usui Reiki is inclusive of everyone and anyone can learn it. It has no religion, or dogma, or politics. It works with every belief system. Usui Sensei was praying for the ability to have divine peace in every moment of his life when Reiki was given to him on Mt. Kurama. The vibration of Holy Fire is an evolution of that prayer for the 21st century. Humanity has become global and we are asking for a higher consciousness and peace. Holy Fire is what has answered our prayers today and comes to us through the avenue of Usui Reiki because they are both vibrations of love and peace. They have the same goal for the earth; to answer our prayers and support us with our intentions assisting with divine guidance and healing. They heal us and align us with divine peace and love.
9. What is the difference between a Reiki placement and a Reiki ignition?
The Usui/Holy Fire Reiki placements are given for all four Usui Reiki symbols. The ignition is given for the Holy Fire Reiki master symbol. An placement to the Usui symbol is connecting our soul to the divine essence of Reiki and the ignition is connecting our spirit to the divine essence of Reiki. When a Reiki master is giving an attunement the energy flows through her/him to the student. In a Holy Fire Reiki ignition, the energy flows directly from Source to the student. It doesn’t pass through the Reiki master first.
10. How Are Holy Fire Reiki Sessions Given?
Holy Fire Reiki sessions are given in the same way as all Reiki sessions. It is also used for distance Reiki and self-Reiki. It is activated the same way.
11. What about the Tibetan Reiki Master Symbols?
In Holy Fire Reiki, we continue to work with the four traditional Usui symbols, with the addition of the Holy Fire master symbol. The Holy Fire master symbol replaces the Tibetan master symbols as the master symbol of the Holy Fire Reiki lineage. The Holy Fire energy is a direct connection to Source so some of the intermediaries such as the Tibetan symbols seem to fade into the light of Holy Fire Reiki.
When one who is previously attuned to the Tibetan symbols receives Holy Fire training, the Tibetan symbols are “retired.” The ignitions to the Holy Fire master symbol are much simpler because the connection is direct from Source. It is not traveling through the Reiki master to the student. So we no longer need to hold the Hui Yin or use the violet breath as was necessary for Usui Reiki attunements. This may encourage more people to teach and "attune" others to Reiki. I know a lot of people were intimidated by having to hold the Hui Yin and do the violet breath so they didn’t teach students.
When Laurelle Gaia ( Infinite Light Healing Studies Center in Sedona AZ ) asked Holy Fire why we were guided to work with the Tibetan symbols for so long, and why aren’t they part of Holy Fire Reiki, she received the following information: "There are many levels of free will. The Tibetan symbols are appropriate at certain phases along the path of one’s soul progression. The energy brought forth through working with them has/is teaching humanity much. They have also brought forth great growth. Humanity is at a place now where new levels of free will open as you mature to new levels of Divine consciousness. As this growth is happening, more of the Divine Plan is being revealed and unfolding.
There has been a guarding of this newly revealed level of free will. The guarding has been to ensure the right use of free will. A deeper understanding of the power of free will has been and is being achieved and was necessary before this new opening. Other levels of free will have yet to open. The Tibetan symbols have been helpful in the guarding process.”
12. What About My Spirit Guides?
The spirit guides who work with Holy Fire Reiki are highly illumined beings from a place we call the 3rd heaven. The 3rd heaven is a beautiful, vibrant place, full of life where all there is, is love. The 3rd heaven does not belong to any one religion or belief system. The spirit guides from here teach and guide us to divine love and the divine love inside us.
Many people are not interested in working with spirit guides at all and that is also completely appropriate with Holy Fire Reiki. Like all Reiki, the ignitions to Holy Fire Reiki give us a direct connection with its source of healing energy. It heals because we invite it, not because we believe in it in a particular way.
There is a process of releasing some of our spirit guides that have unknowingly impeded our spiritual growth. This is done with complete love, honor, and respect. Many of the spirit guides begin to work with Holy Fire also and are excited to evolve with it on their own.
Some spirit guides simply are transformed in the light of Holy Fire Reiki. Like the Tibetan symbols, the Holy Fire energy illuminates them to the point that they disappear into the light. They were intermediaries to Source and Holy Fire is direct to Source. It looks like they are there and then Holy Fire energy is so bright, that they transform into the light.
Some spirit guides are part of the 3rd heaven and they will remain working with you. In my healing work, I have always worked with Jesus, Mary, Archangels, Kwan Yin, and more. Many of them are 3rd heaven beings. Jesus and Mary are 3rd heaven teachers who are masters of the energies of the Holy Fire, so I am working even more closely with them now. I am trying to learn more from them. Holy Fire energies are the healing techniques Jesus came to the earth to teach and he will help us understand how to use them.
13. How Holy Fire Reiki is a Fire of Unity?
When I first experienced Holy Fire, it felt like the flame ignited within me coming from deep within and filling my entire being purifying every part of me. I felt a sense of peace and unity with ALL THAT IS. Holy Fire is the source that unites us through our commonality. All life is this life force. We all need and want the same things. Holy Fire is a fire of cooperation and the idea that there is enough for everyone. Our needs can be met.
14. How does Holy Fire Reiki Heal?
Holy Fire Reiki will continue to upgrade in people, as they are ready to receive more. The upgrades can be spontaneous and powerful. The Holy Fire energies first ignite the person’s spirit and fill their soul with Holy Love. Holy Love is a vibration of Holy Fire Reiki. It is the pure love that connects the core of all creation with the core of our spirit. The nature of Reiki is to help us remember the love of our divine spirit. Holy Fire is a direct connection between the source of pure love that exists outside of us and the pure love of our spirit.
Holy Fire Reiki empowers the soul and brings back the divine essence of a person.