Pre-requisite: Proof of certification training as a Usui Reiki Master for at least 3 months and comfortable using all four Usui Reiki Level 2 and the Usui Reiki Master symbol.

After completing the Holy Fire® III Karuna Reiki® Master/Teacher Level you will be able to practice all the techniques and certify and give all of the placements/ignitions to your Holy Fire® III Karuna Reiki® and Usui/Holy Fire III Reiki * students. 

*Once you are initiated to Holy Fire® III energy in this course ....your Usui Reiki classes will also be upgraded to include the Holy Fire® II energy and you will be able to certify all Level I, Level 2, and Master/Teachers under the Usui system as Usui/Holy Fire® III Reiki practitioners or master/teachers. 

In these classes, you will:

  • Receive Holy Fire III Ignitions Level I and Level II & Master/Teacher (during which you will receive all 9 symbols.)

  • Have Meditation Experiences for self-healing and removing blocks to our progress utilizing the Holy Fire III Karuna Reiki® new master symbol.

  • Receive instruction and practice in giving and receiving Holy Fire III Karuna Reiki® treatments using all the symbols.  (ZOOM Classes will require practice using remote/distance healing techniques)

  • Receive instruction for Holy Fire III Karuna Reiki®  Master Teacher ignitions and Usui Holy Fire III Placements/Ignitions

  • Have lots of practice time during the course in giving treatments using all the symbols.

We desire that every student leaves this course confident of their

ability to teach Holy Fire III Karuna Reiki®

Click the button below for the course pricing and to register

Holy Fire®III Karuna Reiki®  Master/Teacher Certification Course