All online payments are processed via PayPal. You do not need a PayPal account to use this payment option
Special Instructions
If you are registering for Level two or higher, we will need a copy of your most recent Reiki Certification either uploaded with your online preregistration or attached to the printed class registration form or sent to us via email to
If you have previously registered and wish to make an online payment ... click here now.
To Preregister for your class... just complete this online form below and click the Submit button...
You will be taken to Step Two - to make your payment to complete your class registration!
Simple as that!!!
Each class day will be from 9:00 - 5:00 pm.
Pre-requisite: You must be at least 18 years of age hold at least a Usui Reiki Level Two Certification with at least 3 months of practice and be comfortable working with the Usui Level II Symbols. (Please upload a copy of your Reiki Level Two Certification upon registering)
During this three-day class, students will experience and receive the connection to the Holy Fire energy. Students will receive and be introduced to using the Usui Reiki Master symbol & the Holy Fire symbol to enhance their healing and enable them to teach students. They will learn how to teach all levels of Usui/Holy Fire III Reiki classes and give Usui/Holy Fire III Reiki Placements, Ignitions & Healing Experiences, Students will be shown how to create and maintain a Reiki Crystal Healing Grid and more...
3 Day Certification Course Fee** $550.00
Class Upgrade/Review fee $250.00 (you must already be a certified Reiki Master/Teacher)
You may register with only a $150.00** deposit today!